Championing Accessibility, Usability, and Compliance

Learn how to optimize your e-commerce website to improve accessibility for all users.

A hand holding a mobile phone which displays the homepage of an e-commerce store.
Background image of a hand holding a gavel over a pile of coins. The text overlay says 'ADA lawsuit settlement amounts'

ADA Lawsuit Settlement Amounts: What You Must Know Before It’s Too Late

ADA lawsuit settlement amounts can be hefty, but the real price of non-compliance goes beyond monetary fines. Understanding these hidden …

A simple guide to WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)

Success Criterion 1.4.3 – Contrast (Minimum)

WCAG Principle: Perceivable Guideline 1.4: Distinguishable (Make it easier for users to see and hear content including separating foreground from …

A man searching a document with a magnifying glass with text overlay 'what is new in WCAG 2.2?'

WCAG 2.2: Navigating the New Standards For Web Accessibility (+ Simple Checklist)

Learn everything you need to know about the new WCAG 2.2 guidelines and how to implement them to improve your …

A chart of control buttons with text overlay which reads ' A simple guide to WCAG 2.1 Pause, Stop Hide, Success Criterion 2.2.2

Success Criterion 2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide

WCAG Principle: Operable Guideline 2.2: Time Enough (Provide users enough time to read and use content)) Conformance Level: A (Minimal …